In a recent study, students cited their personal tutor as one of the main reasons they chose to remain on their course
Lochtie 2016
Personal Academic Tutoring
The Personal Academic Tutoring system at the University of Worcester sits at the heart of the student experience and can impact upon student satisfaction, retention and attainment. This relies on a consistent approach which is tailored to the specific needs of the cohort and the course itself. This web page has been produced following an exploration into the implementation of initiatives across various programmes within the University which have been used to enhance the student journey. It aims to complement the university policy and procedures on personal and academic support, providing exemplification as to how this might be achieved successfully.
The University’s approach to personal academic tutoring is
grounded in a philosophy of student educational development that places a high
value on induction into the University community, supporting students at key
transition points, enabling students to reflect on progress and set future
goals for achievement academically and for employability, and to become
autonomous learners. The Personal Academic Tutor system is intended to provide
a stable, holistic and developmental form of support for individual students
that is course related.
Further Information