Whether you are a member of a faith, or belong to no faith tradition, our Chaplaincy Service is available to provide spiritual support to all our students and staff.
Whether you are a member of a faith or belong to no faith tradition our Chaplaincy Service is available to provide spiritual support to all our students and staff.
You can contact our Chaplaincy Service at chaplaincy@worc.ac.uk
The University provides designated multi-faith rooms at St John's Campus, City Campus and the Severn Campus.
City Campus
At the City Campus the Prayer and Quiet Room is located in Charles Hastings LG 030, with adjacent washing facilities. The Jenny Lind Chapel will also be available for prayer and quiet reflection when not in other use.
St John's Campus
A prayer room is located in the Thomas Telford building, TT001; this is for the use of all faiths and beliefs or for any staff or students needing to find a quiet moment to reflect during their busy day. After 10pm and on weekends, access can be requested by contacting Reception.
Severn Campus
There is a multi-faith prayer room available in the Riverside Building: room number RB1002. Prayer mats are provided and there are washing facilities available outside the room.
Rest Rooms
There is a Rest Room available on the St John's Campus in the Conference Centre, Room CC001 and on the Severn Campus in the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Building, Room EGA G004. For more information, see the firstpoint webpages.
Associate Chaplain
Jess Fellows is the Anglican Associate Chaplain for the University and Associate Vicar at All Saints church in the city centre. She can be found on campus and in the city centre, and is available to everyone for general conversation and spiritual guidance.
For more information, email: jess@allsaintsworcester.org.uk or visit www.allsaintsworcester.org.uk
Faith Matters
A series of short films have been produced featuring members of the university talking about their faith. The films were commissioned by the Chaplain and made by Creative Digital Media Students. Contact us if there are other faiths you would like to know more about: chaplaincy@worc.ac.uk