Rest Room

The Rest Room is located in the Conference Centre, room CC001.  It is open Monday to Friday 7am to 10pm and is equipped with a reclining chair.  

This facility is provided by Student Services for use by staff, students and visitors to the University for the following:

  • For mothers to breastfeed in private if they wish (please note that there are no restrictions on breastfeeding in any part of the university campus should a mother wish to do so).
  • For parents or carers to bottle or solid feed small babies or children for whom the refectory might not be suitable (Highchairs are available in the refectory and in the Students' Union).
  • For mothers to express milk (please note that there is no storage facility). 
  • For anyone who needs to rest for up to one hour, for example between lectures, because of a disability or medical condition.
  • For anyone who needs to self-medicate or carry out a medical procedure in private.
  • For anyone who needs to perform limited physical exercises in private e.g. while recovering from an injury.

This room is not provided for study, taking refreshments, or as a social or meeting space. For periods of quiet reflection, please see the Chaplaincy webpage for information about prayer rooms and quiet room on campus. 

After 10pm and at weekends, access can be requested at main reception. 

Baby changing facilities, with nappy disposal bins, are available nearby in the Conference Centre and elsewhere on campus.