Connect with Worcester students
Meet our students on campus to promote
the vacancies and opportunities your organisation has to offer, as well as to
help them build the employability skills you’re looking for in your recruits.
Come to a Careers Fair
Our Careers Fairs are a fantastic opportunity to promote your graduate and placement vacancies, as well as network with large numbers of Worcester students in one location. Discover more about our Careers Fairs and how to book your place.
Attend a panel event
A number of sector specific panel events are held in areas such as Criminal Justice, Working with Children, or Insights into Social Work. Find out about some our past events. If you are interested in attending such an event please contact us.
Host an information stand
We can arrange for your organisation to have an information stand on campus. Please contact us for more information.
Run a skills workshops
Employers often run skills workshops such as Interview skills, assessment centres, and commercial awareness. If you are interested in running such as workshop please contact us.
Support the Worcester Award
The Worcester Award offers students the opportunity to go the extra mile by engaging in further skills and leadership activities. We very much value employers contributing to the mock interview panel, and there are sponsorship opportunities to support student prizes and the Awards ceremony.
Like to do something else?
If you have any other ideas about how you might wish to work with our students please do contact us.
Contact us