The following resources have been provided to enable colleagues across the University to adopt and adapt as appropriate for their particular course.
For further information please contact:
Suzanne Horton Course Leader BA (Hons) Primary Initial Teacher Education
Jo Rouse College Director LTQE
Further Reading
Further reading has been provided to support student engagement and attainment through the Personal Academic Tutoring system.
Lochtie, D., McIntosh, E., Stork, A., Walker, B. (2018) Effective Personal Tutoring in Higher
Education. St. Albans: Critical Publishing.
Stork, A., Walker, B. (2015) Becoming
an Outstanding Personal Tutor: Supporting Learners through Personal Tutoring
and Coaching (Further Education). St. Albans: Critical Publishing.
Thomas, L. (2012) Building
student engagement and belonging in higher education at a time of change:
A summary of findings and recommendations from the What Works? Student
Retention & Success programme. London: Paul Hamlyn Foundation.
Useful Websites
Journal Articles
Hartley, M.T. 2011, Examining the Relationships Between Resilience,
Mental Health, and Academic Persistence in Undergraduate College Students, Journal of American College Health, vol.
59:7, 596-604.
Kirk, G. (2018) Retention in a Bachelor of Education (Early childhood
studies) course: students say why they stay and others leave, Higher Education Research & Development,
37:4, 773-787
Kerri‐Lee Krause & Hamish Coates (2008) Students’
engagement in first‐year university, Assessment
& Evaluation in Higher Education, 33:5, 493-505
O'Keeffe, P (2013), A sense of belonging: Improving student retention, College Student Journal, 47:4, 605-613
Tinto, V. (2006) Research and practice of student retention: what next? College Student Retention. 8:1, 1–19.