Examples of Practice
The following examples of practice set out some key initiatives that have impacted positively upon student engagement, retention and satisfaction.Maddie Burton Senior Lecturer, Childhood and Adolescent Mental Health, discusses the introduction of writing retreats for students.
Karen Bubb, Year 1 Cohort Lead for Primary Initial Teacher Education and Ross Southall, a third year student discuss the benefits of vertical tutor groups.
An example of paperwork from the BA (Hons) Integrated Working with Children & Families course. Tutors designed their own paperwork to inform PAT tutorials, based on the WiP model.
Dr Alexandra Sewell has trialled a very different set of paperwork for the SENDI course to meet the needs of students and tutors.
The Worcester Business School have adapted the WiP paperwork to enable students to reflect on their qualities, successes, values, skills, academic progress so that they are able to set targets.
An example of how Paramedic Science tutors adapted the tutorial forms to enable students to share information which would inform tutorials.
Forms designed for the BA Social Work course.