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Purchase Ledger
Purchase Ledger
Purchase Ledger is responsible for processing invoices and credit notes for goods and services supplied to the University accurately and within a prompt timeframe. Payments are made by BACS on a regular basis. Using the University's purchase ordering system, staff work closely with the University Procurement team to maintain and improve supplier relations. They also liaise with external organisations to ensure that the ledger is correctly and accurately maintained.
All invoices should be sent to Finance with Purchase Order numbers for purchase ledger to hold. If you receive an invoice in your department, please forward it to einvoices@worc.ac.uk with the relevant PO number. We will hold the invoice safely until it is ready to pay, and will be in a position to answer any queries from the supplier should we need to. If an invoice cannot be paid, please let us know. We can put a note on the system to hold the invoice.
Purchase ledger can be contacted via email purchaseledger@worc.ac.uk