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The Payroll department ensures that all employees are paid accurately and timely with the correct withholdings and deductions for NI, Tax and Pensions. These withholdings and deductions are then remitted in a timely manner to the relevant organisations.
Staff are paid on the 28th of each month (or the Friday before if the 28th is a bank holiday or weekend).
All travel and subsistence claims must be submitted through the aCloud Expenses system and approved before payment will be made through Payroll. The deadline for submission and approval is the 15th of the month.
Mileage claims cannot be submitted without up to date driving information being uploaded to the aCloud Expenses system, which covers drivers licence, tax and MOT. Tax and MOT coverage must cover all date ranges of claims, therefore each new year of policy/MOT should be added to the system as a new line in order for coverage to be continuous.
For further information please go to Payroll Frequently Asked Questions or Payroll can be contacted via email payroll@worc.ac.uk