Mental Health


The Mental Health Practitioners are here to help and support you with any pre-diagnosed mental health condition, or an emerging mental health problem.

"My stresses are now manageable and I'm back on track for completing my degree"

Mental Health Practitioners can:
  • Provide practical advice on managing a mental health condition.
  • Give specialist advice on managing prescribed medication, where relevant.
  • Undertake mental health assessments.
  • If necessary, and with the permission of the student, they can inform and advise staff of the identified needs of individual students and how they might be met.

The Practitioners work closely with external mental health services in the NHS.  The support you receive from the University is aimed at complementing existing health services, and is specifically focused on helping you to succeed in your studies, and to make the most of your time as a student. Emergency care will still be provided by the local NHS services.

What to expect from our Mental Health Practitioners

If you are referred to the university Mental Health Practitioners after attending a STAR appointment, we will contact you to make an appointment.  Sessions last up to 50 minutes.  The number of sessions and plan of support will depend on your individual needs and will be discussed with you.

Our Mental Health Practitioners are Mental Health Nurses registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council or Occupational Therapists registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), and are bound by their national standards of practice and professional codes of conduct.