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Partner Institution Staff
HE Managers
HE Managers
HE Managers are members of the senior management of our partner institutions with designated responsibility for HE provision. The scope of the role will vary depending on the nature of the partner institution; some partners will not have an HE Manager within their organisation but the equivalent role is taken on by an appropriate member of the management team for the purposes of liaising with the University. We meet twice yearly with HE Managers through the HE Managers' Forum to discuss pertinent issues and provide updates of relevant policies and procedures at the University and, as with all our partner colleagues, HE Managers are invited and welcome to attend all University staff development events.
HE Managers will be contacted directly by email, for further information please contact Nicola Rawlings.
HE Managers are eligible for Registered HE Manager Status; for more information please see the Registered Lecturer & Administrator pages
For information please click here for the Annual Operational Checklist for Collaborative Provision. Please note that this is not a monitoring document and is intended to assist the development of the operational relationships between both partners.