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Partner Institution Staff
Registered Lecturers & Administrators
Registered Lecturers & Administrators
Staff at partner institutions working on courses run in collaboration with the University of Worcester are eligible to apply for Registered Lecturer Status or Registered Administrator/HE Manager Status, depending on their role within the course team.
Registered Lecturer Status and Registered Administrator/HE Manager Status gives access to:
- Library facilities (access to borrowing may be limited)
- IT - Network Account/ University of Worcester email address/ ID and photocopy card. Everything else is negotiable, i.e. hardware/network/telephone & IT support provision is agreed if on-site accommodation is required.
- Blackboard (VLE) access
In addition, registered staff are eligible for staff rate fees for the University Sports facilities, and car parking permits are available at an additional charge.
Access to and use of these facilities means that you agree to follow and abide by the conditions for their use and that you agree to comply with the University of Worcester procedures relating to health and safety, equal opportunities, data protection and the Regulations for the Use of IT & Communication Facilities at UW.
Partner Registered Lecturers may be eligible for a 50% discount on higher-level programmes delivered at the University.
To apply for Registered Lecturer or Registered Administrator/HE Manager Status, please contact Eleanor Sinclair in AQU or access the documents on the left.