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Partner Institution Staff
Link Tutors
Link Tutors
The Link Tutor Mid-Year Report acts as an interim health check of partner courses and should normally be submitted at the end of Semester 1. The Report takes the form of a checklist, with an opportunity to note any issues, actions planned or taken and good practice. It should also help in the completion of the Annual Link Tutor Report which forms part of the partner AER at the end of year.
Link Tutors provide an important link between the University and partner institutions. Information including guidance and processes regarding the role of the Link Tutor can be accessed here.
The University has an Annual Operational Checklist for Collaborative Provision for Link Tutor reference. Please note that this is not a monitoring document and is intended to assist the development of the operational relationships between both partners.
A Link Tutor Induction event for new Link Tutors is held each academic year. Link Tutors who would welcome refresher training are also welcome to attend.
The Link Tutor Forum is held once per semester, and provides an opportunity for Link Tutors to meet together for staff development, updates and to share information and good practice.
Link Tutors must complete a yearly AER report as part of the University's annual evaluation processes. Click here for Annual Evaluation information.
Please contact Dr Sue Cuthbert, Head of Collaborative Programmes, for more information on the above.