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Partner Institution Staff
Staff Development
Staff Development
Partner colleagues are invited and welcome to attend all staff development events arranged by the University. Please access the full staff development calendar by logging into the Staff Portal for details of future sessions and how to book your place.
The New Partner Staff Induction Day is held annually in January for any partner staff who are new to working with UW provision - either on new courses or new staff on existing teams. The day is designed to introduce new colleagues from partner institutions to the University, UW systems and the support we can offer to both partner staff and students, and serves as a useful induction for these colleagues. The event is also open to any colleagues who would welcome a reminder of UW processes and systems.
All partner Registered Lecturers, Registered HE Managers and Registered Administrators may be eligible for a 50% discount on higher-level programmes delivered at the University.
The University is keen to support scholarly activity and CPD for partner staff - if you have any queries about this, please contact Sue Cuthbert, Head of Collaborative Programmes.
Please note that the University is also a member of both ASET and the Association for Collaborative Provision of Higher Education in England.