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Partner Institution Staff

Welcome to the Partner Institution Staff webpages
The University of Worcester works in partnership with a range of institutions, both FE Colleges and non-FE organisations. These pages are intended as a reference guide for colleagues at all our partner institutions, and any University of Worcester staff who are involved in partnership work.
Please use the above tabs and the links on the left to direct you to the relevant information, and if you have any queries please contact us.
For information on our collaborative courses and a full list of our partners and collaborative provision, please visit our general Partner Institutions pages.
Useful UW Links
- Academic Quality Unit
- Library Services
- Information & Communication Technology
- Registry Services
- Student Services
- Institute of Education
- School of Health and Wellbeing
- School of Nursing and Midwifery
- Institute of Arts and Humanities
- School of Science & the Environment
- School of Sport & Exercise Science
- Worcester Business School
- How to find us
- University calendar
- Regulations and procedures
- Taught Courses Regulatory Framework
- Staff SOLE page
- Staff Portal