What We Do
Our Cleaning Team provides a professional and pro-active in-house service across all of our academic space, offices
and halls of residences.
We are constantly working to standards set by the British Institute for Cleaning Sciences (BICSc) and we also have members of the team who are accredited BICSc assessors who pass on their knowledge.
All our cleaning operatives are trained in manual handling, fire procedures and COSHH for all the cleaning products they are likely to use during their daily tasks. Wherever possible, we ensure that we use products that are not harmful to the environment and a lot of time is spent researching new products to improve our service.
During the summer period we employ a number of students to help us with the upkeep of our accommodation as we have a large intake of residential guests. We believe this gives the students great work experience and helps them gain skills they can take with them in the future.
Meet the Team
Cleaning Services Manager
Cleaning Supervisors
Emma Pryce-Jones
In addition to Becky, Andrei and Emma, we have 40+ cleaning operatives who split their workload between different buildings.
Contact Us
The University won both the England and UK awards for best Changing Places facility at the Loo of the

Year Awards, hosted by the British Toilet Association. The awards aim to encourage the highest possible standards in all "away from home" washrooms.
In addition, the University won the Education category, again for its Changing Places facility while the toilets at the University of Worcester Arena came out top in the category of sports venues.
The University's Changing Places toilet features hoists, a height adjustable, adult-sized changing bench, grab rails and a dignity screen, all within a space large enough for a disabled person and up to two carers to comfortably move around.
The toilet is available to anyone to use, whether they are a member of the University community or wider community.
The awards for the Arena recognised the overall cleanliness, lay-out and accessibility of the facilities.