The Money Advice Service is here to provide students and potential students at the University of Worcester with welfare and financial advice and support.
To arrange an appointment with a Money Adviser, please email firstpoint or phone 01905 54 2551.
How Much Does It Cost To Go To University?
Depending on your lifestyle you will need around £12,276 per year (about £1,023 per month) for accommodation and living expenses.
The next few pages set out some of the costs you may incur whilst a student at the University of Worcester, including:
More information can be found in the Money Advice booklet "How much does it cost to go to University?" by clicking on the link bottom left under "Documents".
It is important to know the costs you may incur whilst a student, so you can work out a successful budgeting plan - see our Budgeting & Boosting Your Income page for more information.