To arrange an appointment with a Money Adviser, please email firstpoint or phone 01905 54 2551.
Study Costs
There are day to day costs and expenditure for students on basic books, stationery, printing and photocopying and the amounts vary between courses. For instance photocopying and printing over three years would be more for a Psychology student than for a Sports Studies student.
You won’t need to buy all the books on your reading list, just the core texts. Remember the Library has an excellent collection of books, and some are also available second-hand from other students.
Printing and photocopying
The cost of a black and white photocopied or printed A4 sheet at the University of Worcester is 10 pence and for colour it is 40 pence (price at 2023/24).
Students receive free print and copy credit of £10 a year.
For details, please see: https://it.wp.worc.ac.uk/students/study-anywhere/print-copy/
Field Trips
Attending compulsory field trips or placements – you might have to pay for transport and/or accommodation.
Independent Study
If your course includes producing an Independent Study in its final year then additional costs are likely to be incurred. These costs will depend very much on your course and the project you have chosen to undertake and you are advised to talk to your tutor about potential expenses.
Vital equipment and materials
The University has excellent facilities, computer access for all students and your academic lecturers will let you know of the best place to buy any extra equipment.
Free software
Office 365 is available to current students through the student portal. This allows access to online storage (One Drive) and Microsoft office online applications. Current students also have the option to download Microsoft office onto their Windows or Apple computer.