Toolkit for success
Everything you need to know about completing your course and preparing for your next steps.
We've loved having you at Worcester and hope the memories you've made and experiences you've had will stay with you for a lifetime.
Check how your degree will be classified
Prepare and plan for the final part of your studies, make sure you understand how your degree will be classified. This will allow you to focus on achieving the credits and grades required for the classification you are striving for.
Start preparing for life after your degree
You may find it useful to discuss your possible career options and future direction with a careers adviser. If you are a student with a disability, you may find it useful to discuss disclosing your disability to future employers and explore Access to Work options with a disability adviser
Get job application and interview ready
Begin by writing a CV that showcases your skills, experience, and qualifications. It’s easy to do using the CV Builder, an interactive tool designed to guide you through the process.
Boost your interview readiness by understanding what is expected of you. Learn effective strategies for how to prepare, handle questions and activities, and manage interview nerves with the Quick Guide to Interviews & Assessment Centres. Then use our video interview platform to practice your skills and receive AI feedback.
Start your graduate job search
Now is the time to start applying for graduate jobs. The Quick Guide to Finding a Graduate Job will help you to understand your options and where/how to apply. Remember to give yourself time to make high quality applications – one quality application tailored towards a role is better than five hastily written generic ones.
Thinking about how life will change
As you come to the end of your studies, life will be changing in many different ways. If you are finding the changes difficult, or are feeling low or anxious, here's some advice on adapting to change. Plus, top tips on moving back home to make things easier for everyone.
Financial planning
Are you ready for life after university? Taking charge of your finances is an important aspect of your life after graduating from University. You can get lots of useful advice from the Money Advice Service to help in your preparation..
Use your print credit
We are unable to provide refunds for any unused print credit at the end of a course, so please use what you have, if you can.
Pay off any outstanding fines or fees
If you have fines for library services, owe any money for tuition fees, or equipment borrowed, make sure you have paid these. Failure to do so can result in your degree certificate being withheld and further action may be taken. If you have any concerns, speak to the Money Advice Team.
Return books to the library and any university property or resources
Failure to return resources may result in a fine which could affect when you receive your degree certificate.
If you have resources you no longer want or need, consider donating to the #GreatHiveBookRescue. Further details will be made available via library services.
Update your contact details
Make sure your contact details are up to date under the ‘personal details’ section on SOLE.
Details about graduation and graduate destinations will be sent to you after you complete your studies, so it is important we can keep in touch with you. You can find out further information about graduation on the graduation website.
Download all the documents you wish to keep
180 days after finishing your University of Worcester course, your student account will be closed and deleted. We strongly recommend that you migrate important data out of your University OneDrive, email account, Microsoft 365, Blackboard and PebblePad before you leave the University. This includes your module specifications as some employers and universities may ask to see these. For more information, visit the IT Service webpages.
Print or save a copy of your award confirmation letter
You will find your award confirmation letter on your SOLE page.
You may need to show this to enrol on another course or gain employment prior to receiving your official university certificate and transcript at graduation.
Request a copy of your interim transcript if you need one
You may need an interim transcript for admission to further study or as required evidence for employment. To do this, please visit the Replacement Documents Service.
You will only receive your official certificate and transcript at the graduation ceremony. These cannot be issued in advance of graduation.
Change your delivery address details online
You may want to change your delivery address for external parcels (e.g. for Amazon lockers on campus). It is easy to forget and have parcels sent to us by mistake.
Keep in touch with friends
Make sure you have contact details for people you want to stay in touch with.
Register for your graduate myCareer account
You can continue to get support from Careers & Employability as a graduate. Register for your graduate myCareer account to continue accessing appointments, workshops, digital resources, virtual practice interviews, online careers queries and CV reviews. Plus, lots of local and national graduate jobs. Remember to register with your personal email address as your UW student account will be deleted 180 days after finishing your course.
Keep your documents safe
If you require additional or replacement copies of your certificate or transcript, there is a charge payable, so please try to ensure that the original is kept safely. Please ensure that you keep any course handbooks/documentation that contain course or module details as providing replacements will incur a fee. This documentation could be particularly useful if you plan to study further or to work abroad.
Stay involved
It doesn’t matter if you graduated this year or many years ago, you are forever Worcester, and we’d love to hear from you. All those who graduate automatically become alumni of the University of Worcester, but to become an active part of our family of former students you can email alumni@worc.ac.uk and start the conversation.
Know how to ask for a reference from the University
If you need an academic reference from the University, please remember to address requests to use ‘Academic Registrar’ as your referee and to use the contact email address reference@worc.ac.uk. This will ensure that the reference is handled centrally by the Referencing Team and will be passed to your Personal Academic Tutor in the first instance.
Check out the alumni services still available to you
If you are not quite ready to call time on your Worcester experience just yet, University of Worcester graduates who have successfully completed a BA, BSc or LLB award and then move on to a full-time Master's or PhD course at Worcester may receive a discount on their tuition fees. Discover the full benefits on our alumni webpages.
Update your contact details
We'd like to keep in touch with you as you take your next steps. Keep your contact details up to date with our Alumni team.
Complete the Graduate Outcomes Survey
All graduates who completed a course will be asked to take part in the survey 15 months after they finish their studies. The survey aims to help current and future students gain an insight into career destinations and development. We want to understand the graduate perspective and what success looks like for you following your time in higher education.
Have you accessed all the support, advice and guidance you need? See the useful links below to university services and beyond.
Careers & Employability: You can use Careers & Employability Service for three years and beyond after graduation.
Counselling & Mental Health: You can continue to access support until the end date of your course, and the team will ensure that you have the appropriate support for your next steps.
Disability & Dyslexia Service: You can access support from DDS until your course ends.
Money Advice Service: You are welcome to contact the Money Advice Team for advice on student finance.
Student Support & Wellbeing: You can access support from Student Life Advisers until your course ends. We can work with you to help think about the practicalities of leaving University and to make sure you know what support is available to you when you are no longer a student.
Study Skills: Whether you are planning to go on to further study, or take part in free online courses, you can continue to use our study skills resources.