Assistance Animals (including Assistance Dogs)

Assistance Animals (usually dogs) are highly trained to support disabled people in a variety of ways. A member of staff or a student may rely on an Assistance Animal to help them with their day-to-day activities., Assistance Animals may carry out a variety of practical tasks to assist a disabled person with, for example, mobility, dexterity, physical co-ordination and thereby also provide them independence and confidence. 

All staff and students are advised that the University does not usually permit animals on campus other than authorised Assistance Animals (as defined by the Equality Act 2010 s173) to accompany a disabled person for the purpose of enabling that person to carry out their day-to-day activities.

Please note that pets are not allowed on campus or in University accommodation. Student Services will sometimes bring dogs from “Pets as Therapy” onto campus for specific events, subject to arrangements between the University and the charity.

Please click here to read the University's Assistance Dog Policy.

Please click here to read the Assistance Animal Behaviour Agreement

Please click here to download a copy of the Assistance Animal Request Questionnaire.

  1. Complete the Assistance Animal Request Questionnaire (not required if the assistance animal is a guide dog for the blind) and email it to 
  2. Book an appointment with a Disability Adviser to discuss the potential of an assistance animal, discuss the behaviour agreement and agree on arrangements that need to be done before bringing the animal onto campus.
  3. Provide details on the assistance animal's registration, and provide evidence that the animal and owner have completed appropriate training, if applicable.
  4. Provide evidence of insurance that covers the animal.
  5. Complete a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) if not already done.
  6. Complete a suitable risk assessment in conjunction with the Health, Safety & Wellbeing Manager. The Disability Adviser will introduce you.
  7. Inform the accommodation office if living in halls of residence.