The Money Advice Service is here to provide students and potential students at the University of Worcester with welfare and financial advice and support.
To arrange an appointment with a Money Adviser, please email firstpoint or phone 01905 54 2551.
Boosting Your Income
It is important to note that the financial support that you receive from Student Finance England will not always be enough to pay for your accommodation and living expenses, especially if you use the accommodation at the top of the price range.
Ways to Boost your Finances
Part-time Work
If you take a part-time job whilst at university, at least in your first and second year, it can help your student finance go further. However, do try to get the balance between work and study right, it does not make sense to be working so many hours a week that your studies suffer.
- Part time jobs, both on campus or in the local area, are advertised through myCareer.
- The Careers and Employability Service produce a guide to finding part time work. You can download the guide here or visit the Careers webpage at www2.worc.ac.uk/careers/
- To get advice on your CVs and applications you can book an appointment with a Careers Adviser through myCareer.
Additional Funds for Students
- You may be eligible to apply for a scholarship for extra funds.
- The University's Access to Learning Fund is a non-repayable grant which helps eligible students who are struggling financially.
- There are also 1000s of educational trust funds that help students with extra funding.
- Also see budgeting tips page for advice on avoiding financial short-falls.
Useful Links