Welcome to the Academic Quality Unit


Welcome to the Academic Quality Unit

If you are unsure where to find the templates or guidance you need, or require Word versions of programme specifications to update, please contact AQU for advice.

The Academic Quality Unit are:

Dr Sam King - Head of Academic Quality
ASQEC Secretary, AQU contact for Worcester Business School

Nicola Rawlings - Deputy Head of Academic Quality 
Apprenticeships, APSC Secretary

Post vacant - Senior Quality Officer 

Post vacant - Senior Quality Officer

Teresa Nahajski - Senior Quality Officer (part time)
Course approvals and reviews, PSRBs, course database, programme specifications, AQU webpages 

Rita Peach - Senior Quality Officer
Course approvals and reviews, Academic Planning and Portfolio Group Secretary, CAPSC minutes
AQU contact for Schools of Sport and Exercise Science, Science and the Environment, and Nursing and Midwifery.

Briony Wheeler - Quality Officer (External Examiners) 
External Examiner Liaison, course approvals and reviews, ASQEC minutes
AQU contact for Institutes of Arts and Humanities, and Education

Philip Wright - Quality Officer
Course approvals and reviews, APSC minutes
AQU contact for Schools of Allied Health and Community, Psychology and Medical School

Eleanor Sinclair - Departmental Administrator (QED)
Registered lecturers and registered administrators, panel member payments
AQU contact for committee agendas and papers

The role of the Academic Quality Unit is to develop and manage the quality assurance and enhancement mechanisms of the University, including course planning and approval, periodic review and annual evaluation processes, the approval and review of partnership organisations, the appointment of and provision of information for external examiners and the servicing of Academic Board subcommittees related to quality and collaborative programmes.