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Academic Quality Unit
Undergraduate Degree Courses (incl. Integrated Masters) 2016-17
Undergraduate Degree Courses (incl. Integrated Masters) 2016-17
Current programme specifications for students starting from September 2016
If you require the current Word version of a programme specification in order to update it, please contact your IQC Secretary or AQU Officer.
* Joint honours options are available in these courses. For details of of current subject combinations - http://www.worc.ac.uk/documents/university-worcester-joint-honours-factsheet.pdf
BA (Hons) Art & Design *
BA (Hons) Fine Art *
BA (Hons) Animation *
BA (Hons) Illustration * (2016/17)
BA (Hons) Creative Digital Media * (2016/17)
BA (Hons) Graphic Design & Multimedia *
BA (Hons) Game Art Design * (2016/17)
BA (Hons) Film Production *
BA (Hons) Screenwriting *
BA (Hons) Film Studies *
BA (Hons) Creative & Professional Writing * (2016/17)
BA (Hons) English Language * (2016/17)
BA (Hons) English Literature * (2016/17)
BA (Hons) Drama & Performance * (2016/17)
Integrated Masters in Touring Theatre (MTheatre Touring Theatre) (New from 2016/17)
BA (Hons) Journalism * (2016/17)
BA (Hons) History * (2016/17)
BA (Hons) Media & Culture * (2016/17)
BA (Hons) Politics: People and Power * (2016/17)
BA (Hons) Sociology * (2016/17)
LLB (Hons) Law (New from 2016/17)
BA (Hons) Archaeology and Heritage Studies * (2016/17)
BSc (Hons) Geography * (2016/17)
BA (Hons) Human Geography * (2016/17)
BSc (Hons) Physical Geography * (2016/17)
BSc (Hons) Biology *
BSc (Hons) Animal Biology *
BSc (Hons) Human Biology *
BSc (Hons) Forensic and Applied Biology
BSc (Hons) Human Nutrition *
BSc (Hons) Human Nutrition and Food Science (Final Year)
BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences (Final Year)
BSc (Hons) Plant Science
BSc (Hons) Biochemistry
BSc (Hons) Mathematics Joint Honours *
BSc (Hons) Mathematics * (from 2016/17)
BSc (Hons) Horticulture (with Warwickshire College)
BSc (Hons) Horticulture Production Technology (with Warwickshire College)
BSc (Hons) Ecology *
BSc (Hons) Arboriculture and Tree Management Top Up (with Warwickshire College)
BA (Hons) Primary Initial Teacher Education
BA (Hons) Early Childhood (Professional Practice)
BA (Hons) Integrated Working with Children and Families Top Up (including Standard and Flexible and Distributed Learning at UW and students at Halesowen College)
BA (Hons) Education Studies (& Top Up) *
BA Professional Practice (Integrated Children's Services), (Early Years), (Education) (Top Up) (with Somerset SCITT and the Learning Institute)
BA (Hons) Primary & Outdoor Education (with HLC) - (New for 2016/17)
BA (Hons) Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and Inclusion - (New for 2016/17)
BA (Hons) Birth and Beyond (Top Up) (with NCT) (New for 2016/17)
BSc (Hons) Health Sciences (Top Up) including a number of University Advanced Diplomas (modules also with St Richard's Hospice, St Michael's Hospice and Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust) (2016/17)
BSc (Hons) Midwifery
BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult), (Children's), (Mental Health)
BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies (Top Up) (2016/17)
University Advanced Diploma Return to Nursing Practice (2016/17)
BSc (Hons) Fundamentals in General Practice Nursing (Top Up) (2016/17)
University Advanced Diploma GPN Core Competencies
University Advanced Diploma GPN Long Term Conditions
BSc Physiotherapy
BSc Occupational Therapy
BA (Hons) Social Work
BA (Hons) Applied Health & Social Science
BA (Hons) Applied Health & Social Science Top Up
BA (Hons) Applied Criminology (2016/17)
BA (Hons) Criminology * (2016/17)
BA (Hons) Youth Justice
BA (Hons) Youth and Community Work (2016/17)
BSc (Hons) Child and Adolescent Mental Health Top Up
BSc (Hons) Psychology *
BSc (Hons) Business Psychology
BSc (Hons) Counselling Psychology
BSc (Hons) Developmental Psychology
BSc (Hons) Forensic Psychology
BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Psychology
BSc (Hons) Clinical Psychology
BA (Hons) Top Up Integrative Counselling (with Iron Mill College)
BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science
BSc (Hons) Sports Studies *
BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching Science *
BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching Science with Disability Sport
BSc (Hons) Physical Education * (Joint, Major, Minor Honours only)
BSc (Hons) Outdoor Adventure Leadership & Management (with HLC)
BSc (Hons) Physical Education and Outdoor Education (with HLC)
BSc (Hons) Cricket Coaching and Management
BA (Hons) Sport Development and Coaching
BA (Hons) Sport Business Management
BA (Hons) Dance and Community Practice
BA (Hons) Physical Education and Dance
BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy
BA (Hons) Business Administration (with NCC Education) (Applies until the end of January 2017)
BA (Hons) Business Administration (with NCC Education) (for students starting from February 2017)
BA (Hons) Business Management and Specialist Awards *(JH Business Management)
BA (Hons) International Business Management (for current students)
BA (Hons) International Top Ups
BA (Hons) Marketing
BA (Hons) Advertising
BA (Hons) Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations
BA (Hons) Accounting
BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance (New for 2016/17)
BA (Hons) Entrepreneurship (New for 2016/17)
BSc (Hons) Computing and Specialist Awards * (JH Computing)
BSc (Hons) Business Information Technology
University Diploma in Leadership and Management
Also see Short Courses page