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Academic Quality Unit
Partnership Approval
Partnership Approval
Partnership Approval Introduction and overview
The University is responsible for the standards of all provision offered in its name and also is ultimately responsible for the quality of the student learning experience provided under collaborative arrangements.
The Partnership Approval Process therefore seeks to establish that the academic standards and quality of the student learning experience provided by the prospective partner are likely to meet the requirements of, and be comparable to, the standards and quality of programmes at UW. The main purpose of the partner approval process is to ascertain the viability and suitability of the proposed institutional collaboration. It is distinct from the approval of specific programme arrangements; the processes for which fall under the University's Course Approval and Re-approval process.
Changing site of delivery
In cases where a previously approved collaborative course or module is proposed to be taught at a new venue, a site/resources check should be carried out by the relevant School
CAP Form 8 – New Venue
Supporting material
Partnership Approval Process (updated Sept 2024)
Annex 1 Articulation Arrangements Process
Annex 2 Recognition Arrangements
Annex 3 Joint and Dual awards
Annex 4 Collaborative Partnerships - Preliminary Enquiries
Annex 5 UW Risk Assessment Tool
Annex 6 Due Diligence Form (updated July 2024)
Annex 7 Due Diligence FSM