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Academic Quality Unit
Foundation Degrees 2019-20
Foundation Degrees 2019-20
Current Programme Specifications i.e. students starting September 2019 onwards
If you require the current Word version of a programme specification in order to update it, please contact your AQU Officer via your Quality Administrator.
FdA Payroll Management (with HoW/CIPP)
FdA Pensions Administration and Management (with HoW/CIPP)
FdSc Sports Coaching and Physical Education (UW) (new for 2019/20)
FdSc Exercise and Wellness Management (with DCT)
FdA Sport and Community (with HLNSC)
FdA Sports Leadership and Management (with HoW)
FdSc Football Business Management & Coaching (with BMET)
FdA Early Years (0-8 years) (UW Flexible and Distributed Route and with Halesowen College, HLC and HoW (change of award title with effect from Sept 2019)
FdA Early Years Professional (with the Learning Institute)
FdA Inclusive Education (with the Learning Institute)
FdA Learning and Education (with the Learning Institute)
FdA Learning and Development from Early Years to Adolescence (0-19) (with Somerset Centre for Integrated Learning)
FdA Learning Support (UW and with HLC & Halesowen College)
FdA Collaborative Working with Children, Young People and Families
FdA Teaching and Learning (with Somerset Centre for Integrated Learning)
FdA Birth and Beyond (with NCT) 2019-20
FdSc Dental Technology (with BMET)
FdSc Paramedic Science - Technician to Paramedic Route
FdSc Health and Social Care and Cert HE Health and Social Care (UW and with Halesowen College and with Herefordshire and Ludlow College)
FdSc Health and Wellbeing in Society (with the Learning Institute)
FdSc Mental Health and Cert HE Mental Health (UW and with Herefordshire and Ludlow College and with Coleg Gwent)
FdSc Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People (with the Learning Institute)
FdSc Child and Adolescent Mental Health
FdSc Counselling (with Herefordshire and Ludlow College)
FdA Integrative Counselling (with Iron Mill College)
HoW - Heart of Worcestershire College
HLNSC - Herefordshire, Ludlow and North Shropshire College
DCT - Dudley College of Technology
BMET - Birmingham Metropolitan College
CIPP - Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals