External Examiners

External Examiners

External Examiners

The Handbook, and links to other key information, such as report templates and guidance, are all accessible on the University of Worcester External Examiner SharePoint pages.

The University has in place regulations for the appointment of external examiners.   The process of appointment is overseen by the Academic Quality Unit; approval of nominations takes place through the Academic Standards and Quality Enhancement Committee, on behalf of Academic Board.

External Examiners are provided with a Handbook (updated November 2024) which details the following:

  • The roles and responsibilities of External Examiners and of the University.
  • The induction arrangements for External Examiners.
  • The requirements for External Examiner reports.
  • The way in which External Examiner reports are used by the University.
  • The administrative procedures for the submission and payment of External Examiner fees and expenses.
  • Information about the academic framework and generic assessment regulations.

External Examiners are expected to complete their Annual Report on the Report Template

Other Useful External Links

UK Quality Code for Higher Education

Advance HE guidance - link to webpage


The date of the next External Examiners' Induction Day for newly-appointed External Examiners will be Wednesday 29th January 2025.  Please contact the Academic Quality Team for further details,




Useful Links

Accessing your University of Worcester Account Guidance

You will have been given a University of Worcester account and email address when you were onboarded as an External Examiner. If you need help accessing your account, please follow this link


Blackboard Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

You should automatically be given your required Blackboard access via your External Examiner SharePoint area. However, the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) guidance can be found here