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Academic Quality Unit
Changes to Modules and Courses (CMAS)
Changes to Modules and Courses (CMAS)
The University’s approach to managing Module and Course Amendments is underpinned by a commitment to proportionality based on the perceived level of risk, the impact on the course as approved, and the associated level of externality required to inform and confirm the revision.
CMAS Guidance - College Course and Module Amendment Sub-Group
CMAS Guidance - Guidance on Amendments to Modules and Courses (Table of categories)
APPG Guidance 1 - Relationship between Course Change, Course Re-Approval and APPG
CTMC Form 1 - Amendments to Approved Modules (AAM)
CTMC Form 2 - Amendments to Approved Courses (AAC)
CTMC Form 3 - Temporary Amendments to Modules
CTMC Form 4 - Cumulative Change Template
CMAS Terms of Reference
Associated Policy and Procedures:
Course Planning and Approval/Re-approval Process
Course Closure, Suspension and Significant Change Policy
University Terms and Conditions for Applicants