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Funding for Study Abroad
Study Abroad Programmes
The University has a wide range of Study Abroad and Exchange partners worldwide.
Students can choose to go abroad for a replacement semester in their second year or take a full year abroad in their Third Year as part of a 4 year program.
Students continue to pay tuition fees to the University of Worcester in the normal way but will not pay any tuition fees to the host university.
Students going abroad for one semester in their second year will pay the usual fee amount to the university. Students who opt for the Third Year Abroad will still only pay tuition fees to the University of Worcester and these will correspond to the 15% of their regular tuition fee.
You would need to consider the cost of subsistence abroad (including accommodation) and travel to and from the host university (including travel insurance).
Students studying abroad as part of their course may apply for student finance from Student Finance England (SFE) and those who are eligible for the Maintenance Loan may be able to receive the higher overseas rate of a maximum £11,713 a year (maximum rate for final year students is £10,485 a year). Check with SFE for details of eligibility.
Students mobilities can receive some financial support from the University through the Turing Scheme.
The Turing grant is considered as a contribution towards the cost of living in the host country. Students can receive between £12 and £23 per day with Turing.
Students from disadvantaged backgrounds also qualify for additional funding to help with the cost of the travel.
To discuss these opportunities please get in touch with the International Mobility Coordinator by emailing international-experience@worc.ac.uk
Placement Abroad
If your course allows it, you can take your placement abroad, either with one of our partner universities or with a company/institution of your choice.
If you are interested in taking a traineeship or placement abroad please liaise with your PAT and your School’s International Course Lead to understand which options are open for your degree.
To be eligible to receive some financial support from the University through the Turing Scheme, your placement must be fully approved by your School first. Once you receive the necessary approval you must liaise with the International Mobility team. Funding is not guaranteed as it is subject to there being budget available.
To discuss this further please get in touch with the International Mobility Coordinator by emailing international-experience@worc.ac.uk
For more information see the University's Study Abroad webpage or email the International Experience team: international-experience@worc.ac.uk