To arrange an appointment with a Money Adviser, please email firstpoint or phone 01905 54 2551.
Care Leavers' Support in Higher Education
Student Loans and Grants
All eligible students can apply for student loans and grants to provide them with an income whilst they are studying and also to pay their tuition fees.
For more information go to:
Full-Time Undergraduate Financial Support
Part-time Student Funding
Most Care Leavers, students who have been homeless or who are estranged from their parents, are given priority where statutory financial support is concerned and are likely to receive the maximum amount available.
Amounts of money awarded sometimes depend upon household income but any money earned by a full-time student is not taken into account and neither is the income of a foster parent.
Grants and other Money that does not have to be Repaid
Some student financial support does not have to be repaid, for example the NHS grants for healthcare and social work students, as well as Childcare Grants and Parents’ Allowances for students with dependent children.
For more information go to: Extra Help for Full-time Students with Children or Adult Dependants
Scholarships and grants from the University, educational trust funds and charities are also non-repayable unless otherwise stated.
For more information go to Scholarships and Trust Funds
Access to Learning Fund (Hardship Fund)
The University’s hardship fund, known as the Access to Learning Fund, provides non-repayable financial help towards the financial shortfalls or emergencies that some students experience. Amounts awarded vary from around £100 upwards, but awards above £3,000 are exceptional. Care Leavers in financial difficulty are one of the groups of students whose applications to the fund are given priority, as are applications from students who have been or who are currently homeless or estranged.
Students with Disabilities
If a student has a disability which means that they have to spend extra money to study (for example on specialist equipment or travel) they can apply for help from the Disabled Students’ Allowance.
Educational Trust Funds and Charities
There are Trust Funds that have been set up to help students wanting to go to university but who may be at a financial disadvantage. They all have different criteria but are more likely to help applicants who may not have the same amount of support as the average student, e.g. a Care Leaver, homeless student or student who is estranged.
Local Authority Support
Local Authorities also provide support for Care Leavers under age 25 wanting to continue their education. Many students are entitled to an Adviser, a pathway plan, financial support, and help with accommodation fees and appropriate travel costs and in some cases this applies even if there is a gap between leaving care and returning to education.
There is also a one off Care Leavers HE Bursary of £2,000 paid in instalments in each September of your course.
For more information on Local Authority support visit www.gov.uk/leaving-foster-or-local-authority-care
Other Sources of Support from the University
Student Services at the University of Worcester has a substantial network of pastoral care for students if needed and has many years of experience with supporting vulnerable students:
Money Advice Service provides advice on money available including the University's Hardship Fund (the Access to Learning Fund); they help students with budgeting and money management and can liaise with organisations on behalf of students, e.g. Student Finance England, banks, or landlords.
Disability and Dyslexia Service supports students who have disabilities that may affect their ability to study, and they help students with assessing their educational support needs and applying for Disabled Students’ Allowance.
Counselling and Mental Health Advisory Service provides a free service for all students who need specialist support whilst they are studying at the University of Worcester.
Student Support and Wellbeing Service provides practical and emotional support to students. They help students make the transition to independent living. If you would like more information about the support offered to Care Leavers by this service please email the named contact; Lucy Sandwell at: studentlife@worc.ac.uk
Please feel free to contact any of the services mentioned for advice or more information through firstpoint in the Peirson Building by emailing firstpoint@worc.ac.uk