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Healthcare Students
Support from Student Finance England
Students taking Healthcare degree courses including Nursing, Midwifery or Paramedic Science apply to Student Finance England for Tuition Fee Loans, Maintenance Loans and Grants for Dependants. See information about Long Course Loans on "Full-time Undergraduate Financial Support" page on this website. Previous study at Higher Education level will not be a barrier to funding for Nursing and Midwifery students but can sometimes affect other healthcare students.
Postgraduate Healthcare Students
English domiciled students on designated pre-registration Postgraduate courses after 1st August 2018 are entitled to the standard package of Student Finance England support available to Undergraduate students shown above as well as the NHS Learning Support Fund detailed below.
NHS Learning Support Fund
NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) Student Services administer a Learning Support Fund to eligible healthcare students. A full list of eligible subjects can be found at: www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/nhs-learning-support-fund
If you're eligible, you can get:
- a Training Grant of £5,000 per academic year
- Parental Support of £2,000, if you have at least one dependent child under 15 years, or under 17 years if registered with special educational needs
- money back for excess travel and temporary accommodation costs (Travel and Dual Accommodation Expenses) while you're on your practice placement
- students experiencing financial hardship (Exceptional Support Fund)
See further information below.
NHS Training Grant
A non-means tested grant of £5,000 each academic year for eligible students from 1st September 2020. The grant does not have to be repaid and is for all new and continuing degree level nursing, midwifery and many allied health (including paramedic and radiography) students.
To be eligible for the NHS Training Grant students must be studying at an English University and be able to demonstrate that they are eligible for the Tuition Fee and Maintenance Loan from Student Finance (England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland).
The NHS Training Grant also makes additional funding available to those studying particular subjects and those in certain regions as follows:
Specialist Subject Payment of £1,000
Regional Incentive Payment of £1,000
These two payments do not have to be applied for separately because eligibility will be assessed automatically. They are only available to new students.
For further details on eligibility and making applications please visit:
Parental Support
Eligible students that have parental responsibility for an eligible dependent child may receive a £2,000 non-refundable grant for each academic year of their course. This allowance is not based on income.
Travel and Dual Accommodation Expenses
Help with additional costs of attending a practice placement as part of their course is reimbursed to students during the academic year.
Exceptional Support Fund
Eligible healthcare students in hardship that can demonstrate a shortfall between income and expenditure after exhausting all other available avenues of funding can apply for non-refundable help from this fund of up to £3,000 per academic year. Applicants must first have applied to the University’s Hardship Fund (the Access to Learning Fund) for help. www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/nhs-learning-support-fund-lsf/exceptional-support-fund
Additional Support
Eligible students may also apply to the University’s Access to Learning Fund for financial support after they have started the course.
There are also a number of educational trust funds that help healthcare students in financial difficulty. Find examples on our Trust Fund webpage.
Nursing Students on Secondment
Nursing students on secondment from their employer will have their Tuition Fees paid by the NHS and should apply to NHS Bursaries to have the payment made to the University by contacting:
The NHS Student Bursaries
Hesketh House
200-220 Broadway Fleetwood
Tel: 0300 3301 345
Email: bursary@nhsba.gov.uk
Seconded NHS students (but not seconded apprentices) can apply to Student Finance England (SFE) for student Maintenance Loans and Grants and will be asked by SFE to supply a letter from their employer confirming seconded status. Unlike most financial assessments for student finance, SFE will include the student’s earnings in their calculations.