Academic Appeals

Academic Appeals

What is the difference between an Appeal and a Complaint?

An Academic Appeal is made to the Academic Registrar if there has been an administrative error in the conduct of an assessment, application of the regulations or some other irregularity relevant to an assessment.

A Complaint would be made in respect of a students experience at University including the relationships with administration, any services, departments, the Student Union or discrimination issues.

My assignment was graded 'x' but I believe it is worth at least a 'y'. Is this grounds for an academic appeal?

No. The regulations do not permit an appeal to be made based upon the disagreement with the academic judgement of the Board of Examiners.

Can I appeal against my marks?

No. Disagreement with the academic judgement of an Examination Board regarding the marks for a piece of assessment is not a grounds for appeal.

How do I make an Academic Appeal?

If you wish to make an appeal you must submit a full written submission to the Complaints and Appeals Officer via [] on the form "Submission of Academic Appeal" no later than 10 working days after the publication of results.

Documentation, or other evidence e.g. written information about an assessment, copies of the rubric of examination papers, must accompany the form. 

When should I appeal?

The completed form and evidence should be submitted to the Complaints and Appeals Officer via [] no later than 10 working days after the publication of results.

The publication of results occurs the day the marks are agreed by a Board of Examiners, when your results go from 'provisional' to 'confirmed' on your SOLE page. If you are not sure when the relevant Board of Examiners meet, please contact Student Records on 01905 855333.

How is my Appeal considered?

On receipt of your appeal, the Complaints and Appeals Officer will forward the claim to the Academic Registrar who will decide whether you have established grounds for an appeal. If the Academic Registrar decides that there are no grounds for appeal you will be notified in writing and given reasons why.

If the Academic Registrar requires further information regarding the substance of your appeal, the course leader or appropriate School representative will be contacted to provide a response. On the basis of the information provided, the Academic Registrar will decide if there are grounds for an appeal and the Complaints and Appeals Officer will write to you with the outcome.

How long will it take to hear about my Appeal?

On receipt of an academic appeal, the Complaints and Appeals Officer will forward within 3 working days of the receipt the claim to the Academic Registrar who will decide within 10 working days of receipt of the appeal whether there are eligible grounds for an appeal. The student will be notified of the outcome in writing by the Complaints and Appeals Officer.  

Is there anyone that can help me with my Appeal?

You can get help with your Academic Appeal from the Student Union representatives. 

Please see here: