

Exam Room

Examinations in the 2024-25 academic year will be taking place during the following periods:

Semester 1 main exam week: 13-17 January 2025 (Timetable to be published by the afternoon of Monday 16th December 2024. Any D&DS adjustments must be agreed before 4pm on 2nd December 2024) 

Semester 1 resit week (levels 3 and 4 only): 06 March 2025 (Timetable to be published as soon as possible during the week commencing Monday 24th February 2025. Any D&DS adjustments must be agreed before 4pm on 3rd February 2025)

Semester 2 main exam week: 12-16 May 2025 (Timetable to be published by the afternoon of Monday 14th April 2025. Any D&DS adjustments must be agreed before 4pm on 31st March 2025)

Main resit week: 07-11 July 2025 (Timetable to be published by the afternoon of Monday 30th June 2025. Any D&DS adjustments must be agreed before 4pm on 16th June 2025)

Please note that all students are expected to ensure their availability during these times, and to arrange holidays and employment accordingly

If you have any questions about your exams, you should contact the Examinations & Awards Team at exams@worc.ac.uk


When will I get my grade after the examination?

You will receive your provisional grade(s) via SOLE within 20 working days as normal.


Will I receive feedback if I fail an exam?


If you fail a written exam, then contact your tutor for feedback and advice.

Enquiries relating to the practical organisation of your previously agreed exam arrangements:

For Examinations during timetable examination weeks: Examinations & Awards Team, at exams@worc.ac.uk

For any in-class tests: Your module leader


Important Information 

Examination regulations - Instructions for all Candidates

Examination Reasonable Adjustment Information - Readers, Scribes and Prompters

Examination Reasonable Adjustment Information - Extra Time, Rest Breaks and Toilet Breaks

Code of Practice on Invigilation

Information for External Examiners

Religious Observance Request Form