Performance Indicators
Performance Indicators
What are Performance Indicators?Performance indicators are measures relating to students studying in Higher Education Institutions that have been adopted by Funding Bodies such as the Higher Education Funding Council (HEFCE) and the Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA). These measures relate to specific areas of interest that are being monitored by these bodies, such as access to Higher Education (widening participation), progression and achievement.
Where is information concerning Performance Indicators located?Copies of publications on Performance Indicators are held within the Data Management Unit. It is also possible to look at Performance Indicator information held on the HEFCE and TDA websites.
What does the University do with the Performance Indicator analysis that has been carried out by HEFCE?The analysis carried out by HEFCE can assist in identifying areas that the University may need to focus upon in order to improve its achievement in the areas of widening participation, progression and retention. To this end, the data analysed by HEFCE is subsequently re-analysed by the Data Management Unit, to identify at a more transparent level where improvements could be made. For example, non-completion has been investigated further in order to highlight courses, the location of the courses, dates when students left and the reasons why the students left the course.
The Data Management Unit has also compiled a summary of University of Worcester specific performance indicators, sourced from the overall publications produced by HEFCE and the TDA. Please contact us for more information.