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Human Resources
New Staff
New Staff
Welcome to the University of Worcester
Now you’ve been offered and accepted employment with us there are some forms you need to complete, and other information that you will find useful to read prior to your start date.
1. New Staff Form – to provide essential information about you to the University – please complete the below New Staff Form and Equality and Diversity form and return to us in advance of your start date.
If you do not have a P45 would you please complete and send us the Starter Checklist (Previously P46 form).
If your position requires DBS clearance we will be sending you an application form by post.
Guidance on completing the form.
2. Pension Schemes
There are two schemes operating within the University of Worcester and all eligible employees will be automatically enroled into the appropriate scheme, without any qualifying service.
The Teachers Pensions Scheme is open to academic staff, and the Local Government Scheme is open to support staff.
Both schemes are contributory, the employee and the University make payments to the schemes based on the annual salary of the employee.
It is possible to transfer contributions from other schemes, and to arrange to top up pensions by making additional payments. Employees are advised to seek independent financial advice before entering into these arrangements.
There is no contractual retirement age for member of staff but each pension scheme specifies the age at which pensions can be paid.
3. Occupational Health
The purpose of this questionnaire is to ensure that we are aware of any health related issues and to get the appropriate medical advice- information on the form is confidential between you and the Occupational Health Service and will only be disclosed to the University with your permission and where it is relevant for the purposes of the University facilitating any potential workplace adjustments that may be required.
4. Car Parking & Work Related Driving
If you plan to park on campus you need to apply for a permit and decide how you want to make the required payments, if you start after September the charge is reduced per month. For further information go to Finance Department - Car Parking
If you are likely to use your car for work purposes please click here for further information.
5. Employment Policies
6. Arrangements for induction, probation and mentoring
7. Holidays
Your entitlement to paid holidays varies according to the nature of your employment contract and the length of service. (Please refer to your contract of employment for details.) All leave must be booked and agreed in advance, using the appropriate recording method within your department.
8. IT Services
How to get in touch with IT and find out more
Important information on storing data
IT Regulations and Security Awareness