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Human Resources
Social Media Policy: Staff
Social Media Policy: Staff
This policy has been compiled to help staff understand the reputational, legal and ethical implications of social media usage and what happens when it is misused, intentionally or otherwise. It seeks to protect the University and its staff from the misuse of social media and clarify where and how existing University policies and guidelines apply to social media. The policy outlines how staff should use social media at work, or in a personal capacity where this impacts the University.
The University wishes to promote a positive work and study culture for staff and students, both in person and online. The University is also committed to doing all that it reasonably can to secure freedom of speech and academic freedom within the law as it is one of the fundamental principles upon which the University is founded. The University is committed to ensuring that staff have freedom to question, and test received wisdom, and to put forward new ideas and controversial or unpopular opinions, without placing themselves at risk. This is expanded upon in the University’s Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech.
It is important that staff exercise this freedom responsibly when using social media, as when staff post on social media it could be perceived that staff are speaking on behalf of the University, whether intended or not. All staff are required to show respect and tolerance towards the views, opinions and beliefs of others, even though those views, opinions or beliefs may be contrary to their own personal views, opinions or beliefs.
The policy can be accessed here and further advice or guidance can be sought from the HR Business Partner team.