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Staff Benefits- Vivup
Staff Benefits- Vivup
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Tusker- Salary Sacrifice Car Scheme
Staff Guide for the Tusker Car Leasing Scheme
The University of Worcester has partnered with Tusker to offer a range of affordable and low-emission vehicles to expand the benefits available to colleagues, via a salary sacrifice arrangement. This initiative further supports the University’s longer-term strategic commitments in relation to environmental sustainability and social responsibility, particularly as Tusker operates a carbon offsetting initiative, giving colleagues the option of projects to support to offset their vehicles emissions.
What is included in the scheme?
The scheme provides for a wide range of brand new low-emission vehicles that can be tailored to your specifications. The available vehicles range from hybrid to fully electric, and all fall under the UK Government’s target of 95g CO2 per km. In addition to being environmentally friendly and supporting the University’s sustainability commitment, the scheme also includes:
- Maintenance including all servicing, batteries, exhaust and tyres (excl. winter tyres)
- Fully comprehensive motor insurance for you and your partner, incl. for business travel
- Lifestyle protection – protection against early exit fees for resignation, redundancy and los of license on medical grounds
- Road tax
- Roadside assistance
How does it work?
Eligible colleagues can register their details with Tusker via the Vivup platform and then browse available vehicles and options.
- To register your details, you need to enter your @worc.ac.uk email and employee number (found on your staff card or payslip)
- You will need to enter your salary details, and this will highlight which vehicles are likely to be available, ensuring that any salary sacrifice will not reduce your net salary below the living wage.
- Once you identify a vehicle and specification, you can then place an order with Tusker, if you wish to proceed.
- At this point you will be prompted to read, understand and sign to confirm you accept the terms of the documents, including a salary sacrifice agreement.
- This will then trigger the University to assess your eligibility to lease a vehicle.
Once the vehicle has been delivered to you, the University will make monthly deductions from your gross salary based on the instruction from Tusker for the duration of the lease period. This will also reduce your liability for income tax and national insurance, as well as reduce the contribution you make to your pension. Should you wish to enquire about the impact this may have on your pension, please contact your pension provider directly.
Colleagues will incur a Benefit in Kind (BiK) tax when leasing a vehicle, and the value of this tax will vary based on the earnings of the colleague and the level emissions produced by the vehicle, with a lower BiK tax incurred for more environmentally friendly vehicles.
Click here to view a video from Tusker outlining how the scheme works.
Who is eligible for the scheme?
To be able to take advantage of this salary sacrifice scheme, you must meet the criteria outlined below:
- Colleagues must have completed their probationary period
- Colleagues must have a permanent contract, or be on a fixed-term contract that outlasts the duration of the leasing period (typically 36 months)
- Colleagues’ earnings must be sufficient, so the salary sacrifice deduction doesn’t reduce their earnings below the national living wage
- Colleagues must not be subject to a current and ongoing disciplinary procedure, or have a live formal disciplinary warning on file
This scheme is managed and operated by Tusker. For queries or further information, please visit Tusker’s FAQs section directly or contact their customer services team via email at contactus@tuskerdirect.com.
*Details of The National Minimum wage can be found here or at https://www.gov.uk/national-minimum-wage-rates.
Details of your salary can be found on your payslip, with additional information on pay scales here or on the intranet at https://www2.worc.ac.uk/personnel/677.htm.