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Human Resources
Relationships at Work
Relationships at Work
Relationships at Work Policy
The University values and relies on the professional integrity of its staff. It recognises that there may be occasions when a member of staff’s connection to an individual or an organisation may give rise to an actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest. In such circumstances, this may lead to a perception or accusation of bias, favouritism, prejudice or potential breaches of confidentiality. Conflicts of interest may be financial or non-financial or both.
All staff are expected to recognise and disclose relationships or connections which may give rise to conflicts of interest or perceptions of conflicts and to disclose this to the University at the earliest opportunity.
The purpose of the Relationships at Work Policy is to assist staff in identifying when a conflict of interest may exist as a result of a relationship or connection, to confirm the University’s expectations and requirements regarding the disclosure of actual or potential conflicts of interest and to outline the procedure used when a conflict of interest exists.
Please note that, in accordance with Section 6 of this policy, all staff are expected, within one month from 8th February 2022 (the policy launch date), to have notified their Head of School/Professional Service, using the form provided at Appendix A , of:
- any existing personal relationship they have with students (even if such a relationship is already known to their line manager); and
- any existing personal relationship they have with another colleague/s and where there could be an actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest as a result (even if such a relationship is already known to their line manager).
Section 1.4 defines what may constitute a personal relationship in accordance with the policy and Section 6.5 confirms the potential implications of a failure to disclose such an existing relationship within the specified timeframe.
Staff should also note the requirement to report any related party’s (spouse, partner or close family member) financial or personal interest in any organisation which may have influence on the business of the University (see Section 4 of the Relationships at Work policy). They can do so using the form provided at Appendix B.
Please also note that from 8th February 2022 the University prohibits any sexual or intimate relationship between staff and students where the relationship was not pre-existing. Further guidance on this matter can be found in both the Relationships at Work Policy and the Prevention of Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Harassment Policy.
Sexual misconduct and sexual harassment refer to a broad range of behaviours – from the most severe forms of sexual violence to unwanted touching, stalking, abusive or degrading remarks. The University is committed to providing a safe environment in which to work or study, and therefore, alongside the Prevention of Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Harassment Policy, the University also has a ‘Sexual Misconduct reporting tool’ (https://sexual-misconduct.wp.worc.ac.uk/options-for-reporting/). This is available to both staff and students. If you have experienced sexual misconduct and/or sexual harassment at the University, you can now report this and receive support via the portal.