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Human Resources
Guidance for Managers
Guidance for Managers
Recruiting a new member of staff:
You need to be aware of the University's salary and grading structures and Recruitment & Selection policy. Before you can take part in a interviews (of staff or students) you must attend a Recruitment & Selection (Part 1/2) workshop to familiarise yourself with our procedures. Dates for workshops will appear on our Staff Development Workshop System. You should be also be aware of Health & Safety requirements.
Before/as soon as your new member of staff starts:
The University's Induction process and policy regarding probation and mentors will help you to settle your new employee in quickly.
During employment:
You are expected to undertake and/or organise Review & Development meetings with your staff. It is highly recommended that you attend the Appraiser Part 1 & 2 workshops to gain a better understanding of the Appraisal Process. You can book yourself onto the workshop via the Staff Development Workshop System.
Employees may have queries regarding maternity/paternity leave or have a problem with perceived bullying.
Problems may arise where you need to refer to grievance, improving performance or sickness procedures.
When your employee leaves:
Details of our resignation and retirement procedures are Online.