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Human Resources
Flexible Employment Arrangements
Flexible Employment Arrangements
Flexible Working
The University recognises the business benefits of flexible working, which can positively impact on staff job satisfaction, work-life balance, and wellbeing. The University is committed to supporting flexible working arrangements wherever possible and where service needs allow.
Some examples of flexible working are reducing working hours or days, changing the times or days of work, job share arrangements and compressed hours. This is not an exhaustive list and flexible working can include other types of working arrangements.
Flexible working can be an informal or formal arrangement and can be a temporary or permanent arrangement.
All employees can initiate a request for temporary or permanent flexible working from their first day of employment by discussing the request with their line manager. If you are making a statutory request for a permanent change to your working arrangements, the Flexible Working Request Form must be completed.
If you are making a statutory request for permanent flexible working, you can make a maximum of two statutory requests within a 12-month period.
Further information can be obtained by reviewing the Flexible Working Policy or by contacting your HR Business Partner.