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Human Resources
Sexual Orientation - Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual
Sexual Orientation - Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual
Sexual Orientation - Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Issues
The University's Strategic Plan and Diversity and Equality Policy set out a clear commitment to provide equal opportunities for staff, and student members of its community, in that it will not discriminate directly or indirectly in the appointment, development and promotion of staff, and this expressly includes on the grounds of an individual's sexual orientation. It will do this through:
The University's Strategic Plan and Diversity and Equality Policy set out a clear commitment to provide equal opportunities for staff, and student members of its community, in that it will not discriminate directly or indirectly in the appointment, development and promotion of staff, and this expressly includes on the grounds of an individual's sexual orientation. It will do this through:Equality Impact Assessment a way of checking that policies, procedures and practices don’t inadvertently disadvantage or discriminate against people across legally protected characteristics including sexual orientation. It enables positive and negative impact to be identified and addressed.
Initial/Harassment Advisors are members of staff who have been trained and appointed by the University to provide first line response for anyone who considers they may be experiencing harassment, and this includes any member of staff or student who feels they are being harassed or bullied because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation. For more information go to: Initial Advisors
Legislation – by having due regard to our legal responsibilities including under both The Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007 and the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 which set out the ways in which it is illegal to discriminate on the ground of sexual orientation in the provision of goods and service, and the protection the law offers to employees and students in further and higher education.
Staff LGBT Group - the University’s Staff Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans group which is a social group and also provides feedback to the University’s Diversity and Equality Committee on equal opportunities in policies and procedures etc, to ensure they address issues and concerns of LGBT staff. Please contact Daniel Somerville at lgbtstaff@worc.ac.uk for further information on the group.
Stonewall Membership the University as a Stonewall Diversity Champion works with this good practice forum for sexual orientation to promote diversity in the workplace. Stonewall has a free phone number - 08000 50 20 20 - to respond to questions callers have around gay, lesbian and bisexual issues, available Mon – Fri 0930 to 1730. Alternatively contact Stonewall’s Info Service at info@stonewall.org.uk The University will be making an application through the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index 2014, a national benchmarking exercise designed to identify how gay friendly organisations are.
The Gender Trust who specialise in supporting those effected with gender identity issues can be found at www.gendertrust.org.uk.
Trans Unite is a volunteer run not-for-profit organisation which provides the most up to date resource for UK and online based support groups. You can find a local group and even message them directly from the Trans Unite website using the "Contact Group" button.
Worcestershire Pride: The Worcestershire Pride website is at www.worcestershirepride.org and their Facebook page is at www.facebook.com/WorcestershirePride/
Useful contacts:
Regional: Midlands LGBT Employees' Network Website - http://www.midlandlgbt.com/
Health contacts: Worcestershire Gay Men’s Health Project 01905 681751 (Lesbian & Gay Help, Advice, Support & Counselling) http://www.sexualhealth.org.uk/
Other contacts Terrence Higgins Trust http://www.tht.org.uk/