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Human Resources
Staff Counselling
Staff Counselling
There are a number of possible sources of support for employees who wish to seek counselling:
Many General Practitioners offer counselling support, and even if your GP Practice does not have a counsellor, it can be helpful to visit your GP to talk through your wish to see a counsellor.
The British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy www.bacp.co.uk or 0870 443 5252 is a professional organization for counsellors. It can provide you with details of qualified counsellors in your area who work privately.
Counselling support can also be obtained through the University’s Employee Assistance Programme, a service which is provided free of charge to you and on a strictly confidential basis, via an organisation called PAM Assist. Further details of the service can be found here: https://www2.worc.ac.uk/personnel/658.htm