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Human Resources
Discipline & Standards of Conduct
Discipline & Standards of Conduct
Discipline & Standards of Conduct
The University is committed to providing a positive and respectful work and study environment for all, and therefore the conduct of all staff is critically important in achieving this aim. Our Standards of Conduct document is intended to provide guidance to all University employees of the standards of behaviour expected of them. All staff members should familiarise themselves with its contents. Managers are encouraged to refer to this document during any informal discussions they may have with an individual in relation to concerns identified regarding their conduct or behaviour. It is hoped that by doing so, most concerns around incidents of minor misconduct will be sufficiently addressed informally wherever possible. A copy of the Standards of Conduct can be found at: - Standards of Conduct
Where a staff member’s conduct or behaviour unfortunately fails to meet such standards however, or where the misconduct is of such seriousness that an informal discussion is not appropriate, a more formal approach may be required to try and address or rectify the matter. The University’s Disciplinary Policy outlines the procedure that will be followed in such circumstances – a copy can be found at: - UW Disciplinary Policy