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Human Resources
Concerns/Complaints & Whistleblowing
Concerns/Complaints & Whistleblowing
Concerns/Complaints & Whistleblowing
There are procedures to guide employees who wish to raise a concern about any aspect of their employment.
Resolution Procedure
Concerns or complaints are a natural issue in everyday life. Focusing on resolving workplace issues constructively and in a timely fashion when they do arise however helps to create and sustain a positive working environment for all. Most issues can be resolved through informal dialogue and we encourage all employees to use informal resolution methods prior to the use of the formal process, wherever it is possible and appropriate to do so. Raising issues at the earliest possible opportunity can help to prevent positions becoming entrenched and avoid the situation escalating.
Employees are also asked to consider and explain from the outset the sort of resolution they ideally seek from raising a concern. It is proven that determining and focusing on the desired outcome from the start is more likely to lead to a swift, positive and achievable resolution.
The aim of the University’s Resolution Procedure therefore is to encourage consistency, transparency and fairness in the handling of any workplace problems or complaints and, wherever possible, to encourage and facilitate a timely resolution to such concerns. A copy of the Resolution Procedure can be found at: - UW Resolution Policy.
The University has also introduced the role of Resolution Support Officers. Resolution Support Officers are volunteers, sought from our staff population, to act as an additional point of contact and source of confidential support for other employees who have concerns. They act as a signpost for staff to sources of guidance and support, as well as acting as a 'friendly ear' when an individual first identifies that they have a concern and may wish to talk through their perspective of the matter with an impartial individual. Discussions with Resolution Support Officers will remain confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone else without the employee’s consent. For further details of what the Resolution Support Officer’s can do to assist you, who they are and how to contact them and also for details of how to potentially become one yourself, please visit: - Resolution Support Officers
Whistleblowing Policy
The University is committed to conducting its affairs in a responsible way and demonstrating the highest standards of openness, honesty and integrity. Encouraging a culture of openness where staff feel able to raise concerns and to speak out about suspected wrongdoing or malpractice is essential in ensuring we maintain the highest standards of management, governance and accountability at all times.
The Whistleblowing policy provides staff with guidance on the concerns that can be raised under whistleblowing procedures and provides an overview of the process that will be followed once a concern has been raised. A copy of the University’s Whistleblowing Policy can be found here.