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Human Resources
Disability and Inclusion at the University of Worcester
The University of Worcester is deeply committed to human equality and dignity, aiming for equal opportunity and true inclusion in all its activities with staff and students. Disability is one of the nine protected characteristics covered under the Equality Act, which provides individuals with protection from discrimination arising from their disability in employment/study.
Disability and Reasonable Adjustments
The law defines disability as a ‘mental or physical impairment which has a substantial and long-term effect on an individual’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’.
Here we use the social model of disability, which means we acknowledge that people are disabled by physical and/or social attitudinal barriers – such as stereotyping and prejudice - in the environment. This is best managed by altering or making allowances for the environment and is known as making ‘reasonable adjustments’ which is a legal requirement. Examples may include providing adaptive pieces of equipment; time off for treatment; phased return to work; moving tasks to more accessible areas.
Support for our staff
If you have a disability and would like to discuss your specific requirements, in the first instance contact your line manager, or the HR Business Partner for your department for your department/school. Alternatively you may, in confidence, self-refer directly to our occupational health provider Soma, 01905 422808 or enquiries@somahealth.co.uk .
Disability Confident
The University is recognised as Disability Confident Committed which means our recruitment processes are inclusive and accessible, and we support job applicants and existing employees by providing reasonable adjustments.
The University is a signatory to the charter for ‘Employers who are Positive about Mental Health’ which confirms our commitment in demonstrating a positive and enabling attitude to employees and job applicants with mental health issues.
Disabled staff Network- If you have a disability, specific learning difference or health condition or an interest in these and would like to contribute to improving facilities, policies and procedures at the university, or would just like to meet and discuss issues with staff members in a similar situation then please contact: Steve Joyce: s.joyce@worc.ac.uk
Useful links:
Occupational health: http://www.worc.ac.uk/personnel/658.htm
Scope: http://www.scope.org.uk/
Disability Rights UK: http://disabilityrightsuk.org/
Staff Mental Health Network- is an informal peer support network run by staff for staff. If you experience mental health and wellbeing challenges personally or are a carer for someone who does, join bthe network by contacting staffmentalhealthnetwork@worc.ac.uk