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Human Resources
Redeployment and Redundancy
Redeployment and Redundancy
The University recognises and values the contribution of all its staff and therefore aims, as far as possible, to provide security of employment for all staff. Unfortunately however, there will be occasions when the changing needs of the University may result in employees being considered for redeployment. An individual’s own personal circumstances may also trigger the need for the University to consider redeployment. In these circumstances, it is recognised that the employee concerned may have experience and expertise which will enable them to continue to contribute to the success of the University, in another role, if given appropriate opportunity to do so. The aim of this policy is to ensure that a fair and consistent approach is adopted in the management of any redeployment cases at the University and to further detail any additional matters which should be considered when doing so.
Staff will be eligible to be considered under this Policy where any of the following circumstances apply:
- Avoiding Redundancy – the Policy will apply to members of staff at the point where they are formally notified that they are at risk of redundancy. They will continue to be covered by the Policy until either the redundancy takes effect, or they are successful in securing alternative work with the University before the redundancy takes effect.
- Expiry of Fixed Term Contract - the Policy will apply to members of staff employed on a fixed term contract that is due to expire within the next three months, and where they will have 2 or more years’ service with the University at the potential expiry date.
- Medical Circumstances – the Policy will apply to members of staff where Occupational Health reports and medical advice indicate that an individual is not able to carry out their current role within the University due to their medical condition and/or disability, even with reasonable adjustments, but where the advice is that they are potentially able to undertake a different role with or without reasonable adjustments.
The University aims, as far as possible, to provide job security and continuity of employment for all staff. There are however occasions when the changing needs of the University, or changes in external factors (e.g. technological development, changes in external funding, increased costs, reduced student demand etc.) will have an impact on staffing requirements and may lead to a potential redundancy situation. The aim of this policy is to ensure that a fair and consistent approach is adopted in the management of any situation which may potentially result in redundancies, to seek to avoid or reduce the number of redundancies and to further detail any additional matters which should be considered when doing so. The policy applies to all employees of the University, except for employees who are on a fixed term contract which is expiring on its expected end date. It does not apply to workers, agency workers, consultants, honorary staff or self-employed contractors.