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Human Resources
Blended and Remote Working
Blended and Remote Working
Blended and Remote Working
The University’s approach to blended and remote working are detailed on the Principles of Blended and Remote Working document. The principles apply for the academic year 2024/25 and will be reviewed as and when necessary.
Our key priority is to provide an excellent student learning and on-campus experience and to ensure we continue to deliver the high-quality experience our students are used to, expect and deserve, whilst seeking to foster some choice and flexibility for staff where operationally possible to do so.
It is expected that all academic colleagues will attend campus for majority of their working time to ensure that students benefit from in-person teaching and can easily access support and advice. All teaching should be delivered in-person and on campus, unless online teaching has been approved as part of the agreed course delivery by the Head of School and a Pro Vice Chancellor. When delivering online teaching, colleagues should ensure that they have access to suitable equipment, meaning that it may be more appropriate to deliver online teaching on campus using the University’s facilities. In the event of exceptional circumstances where a colleague is unable to attend campus to deliver their teaching, they should seek approval from the Head of School to deliver the teaching from home, if this is appropriate. For any other student-facing activities (e.g. tutorials, meetings with students etc.) it is expected that students should be given the choice of either in-person support or online if they would prefer.
Sections 2, 3 and 5 of the Principles of Blended and Remote Working document are therefore only applicable for professional services staff.
Sections 2 and 3 define and confirm the arrangements for blended working for professional services staff (in departments and for roles where it is determined by the manager to be both appropriate and operationally feasible). All professional services colleagues should be working on campus for majority of their working time (i.e. with a minimum of 50-60% or more of their working time spent on campus) as the University campus remains the primary and contractual place of work for all employees (unless otherwise agreed on an individual basis and in exceptional circumstances).
All staff (professional services and academic) should familiarise themselves with, and ensure they adhere to, the guidance contained in Section 4 on any occasion that they are working remotely.