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Human Resources
Induction Process
Induction Process
You may find it useful to have a look at this to get acquainted with the University's Induction process.
Right to Work Documents:
It is essential that you provide us with your Right to Work documents before you can carry out any paid work. If you have not already provided the HR Operations team with these documents, please contact hr@worc.ac.uk to make these arrangements. Without this, IT accounts will not be created for you and can take up to 24 hours to become active.
Day 1:
- Meet with Line Manager - This is an opportunity to discuss pre-booked holiday, the job role, sickness reporting procedures, working patterns, etc.
- Meet Buddy - During the Induction period, the new starter will typically be allocated a “buddy” by the line manager. The "buddy" is usually a member of their department and will give a tour of the University, including where to go for food, what parking facilities are available and will take you them to lunch in their first week.
- HR Welcome - There will then be a short welcome from HR which will cover the role of Human Resources within the University. As well as other key departments, including an introduction from Facilities.
- Information Security Awareness Training - It is essential that new staff attend this session. It will cover important aspects of IT, such as, password protection and other ways to secure your desktop. This will be followed by passwords and settings being set up by a member of the IT Department.
- Review the Online Compliance Training - Health and Safety, Diversity in the Workplace, UCISA Information Security Awareness training, GDPR. To access these online modules click here.
- Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Assessment - All new starters must complete a Workstation Self-Assessment Form in order to see if their DSE is fit for purpose. If not, the individual will be referred to Occupational Health who will work to ensure that the issues are resolved and not simply identified.
Day 2-5:
- Mentor allocation - They should be allocated a "mentor" who is usually a colleague from another department. Therefore, any discussion that is had is kept confidential between the mentor and new starter. Not only does having a mentor widen their understanding of the organisation and the way it works, but it will help them to grow in self-confidence and provide them with any extra support you may need.
- Complete the Online Compliance Training - Health and Safety, Diversity in the Workplace, UCISA Information Security Awareness training, GDPR. To access these online modules click here.
- Meet with key contacts and have a look at Organisational Charts within the University.
- Continue activities from Day 1 that may not have yet been completed.
Month 1:
- During their first month they will continue to meet with their line manager and buddy and will be allocated a mentor who will all provide support in their early time of employment.
- The Probation Period will be explained to the new starter and they will be given clear targets to work towards.
Month 1-6:
The Probation Period typically lasts between 6-12 months and the line manager will support their new starter by:
- Explaining the probation policy to them
- Clearly defining targets that are linked to their job description
- Identifying any training that will help them succeed in their role
- Ensuring they have access to a mentor
- Considering the benefits of coaching with them