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Human Resources
Being away from work
Being away from work
This is the time to participate in a range of activities, some are listed below-
- Learn new skills and knowledge- make us of LinkedIn Learning available to all staff to explore new hobbies e.g. photography and/or extend your IT knowledge with Microsoft online learning.
- Sign up for an online course
- You can register to attend any of the staff development workshops on the University staff pages; many have been converted to be delivered 'virtually'
- Catch up with books that you've been meaning to read/writing to friends and family
- Register to volunteer using the national or local schemes, see https://www.worcester.ac.uk/life/help-and-support/volunteering/volunteering-opportunities.aspx,
- Tackle a home project- clearing out the shed/kitchen cupboards/paint the fence
- Develop an exercise plan and stick to it
- Experiment with new recipes
Keeping in touch
Keep in touch with colleagues who are also on furlough leave, especially those who are on their own or vulnerable due to health or other reasons. Use text messaging, social media, email, video and voice channels.
If using work email remember that being on furlough leave means that you can’t get involved in work-related topics.
Schedule regular times for a catch-up, perhaps weekly or more frequently.
Some teams are planning group catch- ups every week via social media.
Support for wellbeing
There are a range of support mechanisms that are available
- You have access to use the Employee Assistance Programme-https://www2.worc.ac.uk/personnel/658.htm
- Seek advice from the HR Business Partner for your areas and/or Occupational Health Service
- Contact the staff mental health network smhn@worc.ac.uk and ask to join the virtual Fika sessions they are running
- Some colleagues have found that mindfulness helps them and here are some resources to explore:
- Take a look at the video https://youtu.be/Bs_Rl4IHiUw and go to www.worcestershire.gov.uk/WellbeingAtHome to find out more.
· There are other support channels that you might find helpful, some are listed here from Headspace:
- Mini meditation- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldFD-L-Csz0
- Meditation for sleeping (10 minutes)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soQJrB732xM
- Letting go of stress (10 minutes)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sG7DBA-mgFY
- Decompressing (10 minutes)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHkXvPq2pQE
- Watch the thoughts-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHkXvPq2pQE
- Gentle stretching- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hU_-Nm3MaAo&t=0s
- 30 days of Mindfulness- https://assets.ctfassets.net/re0je2ce7cxi/2ybWaE6hMRO9Szr7IJ3C1Z/51b29fbad1b60387e366269717f41933/30_Days_of_Mindfulness_Poster.pdf