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Human Resources
• Buds & Bows
Address: 14 St Johns, WR2 5AH
Website: www.budsandbows.uk.com
Contact: 01905 424161
Offer: 10% discount
• Flowers Of Worcester
Address: Unit 1 C Chapel Walk, WR1 3LD
Website: www.flowersofworcester.co.uk
Contact: 01905 619009
Offer: 10% discount
• Floral Roundabout
Address: 59 Sidbury, WR1 2HU
Website: www.floralroundabout.co.uk
Contact: 01905 24613
Offer: 5% discount for wedding flowers for staff, their sons/daughters. 15% off floral gifts with free delivery to any University location within working hours (min £20 order). Delivery to home address normal charges apply