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Taxis and Airport Parking
Taxis and Airport Parking
• Cathedral Cars
Address: Unit 1 Dolton Yard 43 Newtown Road, Worcester WR5 1HG
Website: www.cathedralcars.net
Contact: 01905 767400
Offer: 10% discount (quote Abdul)
• a2b Executive Cars
Address: 12B Shrubhill Industrial Estate, Worcester, WR4 9EL
Website: www.a2bworcester.co.uk
Contact: 01905 33 00 15
Offer: 10% discount (quote Ali Ahmed)
• APH airport parking
Website: www.APH.com/Parking
Use unique discount code when booking on line www.aph.com/uofw
Contact: 0844 871 7521 quote ‘UOFW’
Offer: 15% discount off APH owned car parks (based at Birmingham, Gatwick and Manchester).
10% discount off all other participating car parks.
10% discount off airport hotel and parking packages.
10% discount off No.1 Traveller lounges